Let Your Heart Break Open
If you only get one chance at love
I hope you find a love that hurts
The kind of love that splits you in two
And proves to you there will never be worse
Let a hurricane toss you across the ocean
And spiders cover you for a decade or two
Let your heart break so hard it breaks open
And shows you what love is when it erupts from within you
Let Peace & Quiet know nothing of this love
This love that made you wish you never held their hand
The love that beat you upon the farthest shore
To shred the last of you into bits of scattered sand
Let this love be the love that ruins you
And makes you finally see who you are
Underneath the pain that's been building up all these years
From cuts you've kept hidden away in your heart
Open those wounds again and let them breathe
Expose the truth of yourself and never look away
Be your own savior this one last time
And ignore what everyone else has to say
They've only had safe love that never made them look
They've never known love the pirate, the siren, the terrorist
Don't listen to the ones who've made it out in one piece
Their love is loaded and never pointed at themselves
If you only get one chance at love
Let it be a love that cracks you open and exposes your soul
Let it be a love that never leaves you again
Because everything that stood in its way is now in your control