All Your Faces
I don't stare at your face because it's a shiny object
I stare at your face because it contains every version of you
Every man to whom I have still to be introduced
I even hold your face in my mind when you're not around
Because one day there will be another emergence of you
And I don't want to miss a word of you that's effused
You have one face that tells me not to worry
Another that's tickled by something I said
And one that asks me if this touch feels alright
There's another you make when you're disappointed
And trying to measure the minutes we have left
Because I won't be able to stay tonight
There's a face that contains an old man
Who's been around for a very long time
And seen more of the world than me
He tells me stories I'll never be sure are true
Harrowing tales of heart aches and ankle breaks
And all the places only my mind will get to see
There's a teenage boy with that silly grin again
He's gotten himself into a little bit of trouble
And is in need of bailing out
He's the one who grabs my hand
And pulls me aside into another room
To see how long he can kiss me before someone finds us out
Sometimes for just a minute I see that gallant prince
Who thinks he wants to rescue me
But is wise to know he shouldn't
The patriarchal soldier doing his master's bidding
Before he's asked if I need his help
He remembers I probably wouldn't
There's another face I don't get to see very often
And this one is my favorite one
The beardless face with iridescent eyes and alabaster smile
He's a little boy with nothing yet to fear
With plans to take over the world pretty soon
If only they'd grow up and stop treating him like a child
So if you catch me staring in your direction
Please don't misread me as a seductress or a siren
Who would trap you in a satin-lined prison
I'm only relishing this novel of you
Turning the pages like you were written you for me
I stare because there's another you coming and I don't want to miss him